Length and Frequency of Demo or Workshop Describe the number of times you are offering to do your workshop or demo at Maker Faire. If one time, how long is it? If more than once, do you expect to share the space with other workshops / demos or would you like to have sessions all-day in your own area? Please describe.
Full Description (remains private, not published)* For the Maker Faire team, explain what your project/presentation is and describe what you will actually be bringing to Maker Faire. This information will not be made public. Be as descriptive as possible.
Short Description (made public, shown on Maker Faire website)* Response limited to 250 characters or less. This information will be made public.
You indicated you will be promoting or selling. Describe the product or service and list the price range.* Any URLs to specific websites or images or videos are helpful.
Describe your non-standard setup or any special requests. Special requests are not guaranteed by acceptance. You will receive confirmation in advance of the Faire.
For attendees, please complete this sentence: "At my exhibit (workshop or presentation, etc), you can learn how to...." Please do not repeat the first part of the sentence above, just add onto the sentence as you see best. If this doesn't apply to your exhibit, you can skip it.
Additional Power options* Please select the requested power from the list below. You can state your specific power request in the Special Requests section if none of the choices are suitable for your exhibit.
120 V 30 Amp 220V 100 Amp, 3 Phase 220V 100 Amp, Single Phase 220V 150 Amp, Single Phase 220V 15 Amp Single Phase 220V 20 Amp, Single Phase 220V 30 Amp, Single Phase 220V 40 Amp, Single Phase 220V 200 Amp, 3 phase 220V 50 Amp, 3 Phase 220V 200 Amp, Single Phase 220V 50 Amp, Single Phase
Radio Frequencies If your exhibit uses radio frequencies, please provide details about your RF use, frequencies, etc.
Please describe what waste you expect to produce, including when, what and how much. Do you have a plan for sustainably disposing of this waste or need assistance creating one? At Maker Faire we provide recycling and garbage bins. For special hazardous waste or items for donation, upon acceptance, please work with our team to create a plan. At Maker Faire, all makers are responsible for separating their waste into proper disposal bins.
Setup and Equipment Requests Please include your input list, equipment you’ll be bringing, and additional details or special requests in the box below. If possible, we appreciate you bringing everything you need.